Nose Bridge Surgery in Dallas, TX | Nasal Bridge Rhinoplasty

(Dorsum Rhinoplasty)


Nose Bridge Surgery, also known as Dorsum Rhinoplasty, is a popular procedure in Dallas, TX aimed at enhancing the appearance of the nasal bridge. This page provides an informative overview of nose bridge surgery. It explores the distinctions between nose bridge surgery and rhinoplasty, details the surgical process, discusses associated costs and insurance coverage considerations, outlines preoperative preparation and postoperative recovery expectations, and highlights potential risks.

Where to Start

If you are considering a nose bridge surgery, it is important that you carefully determine what changes you would like to see in the nasal bridge of your nose. In order to evaluate your own nose, you have to see it within the whole picture, i.e., your face. This is because your eyes and your nose are the central point of attention when someone looks directly at you. After that, the gaze quickly turns towards the mouth, the cheeks, forehead and finally your face as a whole. A rhinoplasty surgeon is trained to evaluate the nose on its own, as well as its proportions within the face.


How to Determine What You Would Like to Change About Your Nose

Take a look at yourself in front of the mirror or take a picture of your full face. Start by seeing and palpating your nose at its root, from the top of the nasal bridge. You will feel the hard nasal bones which surgeons refer to as the nasal pyramid because they are actually hollow. During a rhinoplasty, the nasal bony pyramid can be made narrower at its base. Also, the top can be modified in every dimension; it can be made more narrow or wide, increased in height, or the opposite, reduced by rasping a bony dorsal bump. Continue palpating your nose and you will feel a step-off where the nose becomes more flexible and movable. This is all cartilage, all the way down to the nasal tip but it does not extend to the nostrils on the sides. Again, during a rhinoplasty in the nasal tip can be modified in every dimension. The tip can be made less bulbous, less boxy, and better defined. If you have already had a rhinoplasty, sometimes the opposite has to be done and the tip has to be widened because it has been overly narrowed (this is called a pinched-tip deformity). If you see a picture of your face in the side view, imagine what your nose would look like if the tip was pushed upward, or rotated downward. Also determine whether the entire nose sticks out too much or too little. In general, it is important to visualize specific changes you would like to see, in other words try to be as objective as possible, rather than subjectively say “make me look good.”

What is Nose Bridge Surgery?

Nose Bridge Surgery, also known as Nasal Dorsum Rhinoplasty, is a type of Rhinoplasty technique that focuses specifically on altering and enhancing the nasal dorsum. This surgical intervention aims to reshape and refine the bridge of the nose, improving its appearance and proportions. Nose Bridge Surgery can be performed as part of a comprehensive rhinoplasty procedure or as a standalone surgery, depending on the patient’s goals.


How is Nose Bridge Surgery Performed?

During nose bridge surgery, the upper part of the nasal structure is specifically targeted for reshaping and improvement. This procedure is performed by board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Jennyfer F. Cocco, MD, and involves making incisions either inside the nostrils or across the columella, which is the narrow strip of tissue that separates the nostrils. Dr. Cocco will then elevate the soft tissues and access the underlying bone and cartilage of the nasal dorsum. Here are three key steps involved in nose bridge surgery:

  • Cartilage removal or augmentation: Dr. Cocco may remove a portion of cartilage to reduce a hump on the bridge or add cartilage grafts to increase its height.
  • Osteotomies: Controlled fractures may be performed on the upper bones of the nose to reposition them and achieve a more desirable shape.
  • Suturing: After making any necessary changes to the nasal structure, sutures are used to close incisions and promote proper healing.

Starting Price of a Nose Bridge Surgery in Dallas, TX

Nose Bridge Surgery in Dallas, TX | Nasal Bridge Rhinoplasty

How Much Does Nose Bridge Surgery Cost in Dallas, TX?

The cost of nose bridge surgery in Dallas, TX can vary depending on factors such as the complexity of the procedure, and any additional fees associated with anesthesia or facility charges. The cost for nose bridge surgery in Dallas, TX usually starts at $6,400. However, a consult with Dr. Cocco, who specializes in nose bridge surgery is highly recommended, to obtain an accurate cost estimate based on their unique situation. Additionally, it is advisable to inquire about financing options or payment plans that may be available to help manage the cost of the procedure.

Can Nose Bridge Surgery be Covered by Insurance?

Insurance coverage for nose bridge surgery depends on whether it is performed for cosmetic or medical reasons. If the surgery is purely cosmetic, insurance typically does not cover it. However, if the surgery is medically necessary, insurance may provide coverage.

It is important to note that insurance coverage for purely cosmetic nose bridge surgery is unlikely. To ensure patient safety and optimal outcomes, it is recommended to involve an Otolaryngologist in cases where medical concerns may be present.

By consulting with an Otolaryngologist first, any underlying medical conditions can be addressed and treated appropriately. This will help ensure that the nose bridge surgery does not negatively impact breathing or other nasal functions. Once the medical concerns have been addressed, the focus can shift to cosmetic corrections and improvements as desired by the patient.


Payment plans and Financing options

We offer advanced payment plans for this procedure and the terms depend on the overall cost of proposed surgery. All procedures must be fully paid off 10 business days before your scheduled surgery date. While we do not offer in-house financing, we recommend two third-party options for your convenience: Alphaeon and CareCredit. Both have easy-to-follow online applications, which you can access through the links provided below.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

    Please call our Dallas office at (972) 200-1718 during office hours, or use the form below to contact us. After receiving your email, we will promptly get in touch with you to answer any questions you may have and assist you in scheduling your appointment with Dr. Cocco.

    The information you choose to share with us is always kept confidential. Consultation fee is non-refundable, and is applied towards your procedure. Cancellation fees apply if you fail to attend your appointment or cancel with less than 24 hours notice.


    Who is a Good Candidate for Nose Bridge Surgery?

    Nose bridge surgery may be considered by individuals who are unhappy with the shape or appearance of their nose, whether it is due to botched reduction rhinoplasty or genetics.

    Potential candidates for nose bridge surgery are those who desire to enhance the appearance of their nasal bridge, have realistic expectations about the outcome, and are in good overall health. A thorough assessment will take into consideration factors such as the individual’s medical history, current health status, aesthetic goals, and any previous nasal surgeries.

    It is important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cocco, who can explain the potential risks and benefits associated with nose bridge surgery and ensure that the desired results align with realistic expectations.

    What to Expect During Your Nose Bridge Surgery Consultation

    To properly prepare for nose bridge surgery and ensure the best possible outcome, it is important to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cocco. During this consultation, you will initially meet with a medical assistant who will review the paperwork you fill out containing a full medical history. This is important information that will be used to determine whether you are a good operative candidate. Next, you can expect the following:


    1. Assessment of your concerns: Dr. Cocco will carefully evaluate your nose, paying specific attention to the nose bridge and any issues such as a hump or crookedness. She will discuss your desired results and assess whether nose bridge surgery is appropriate for you.
    2. Medical history review: Dr. Cocco will inquire about your medical history, including any previous nasal procedures or allergies that may affect the surgery or recovery process.
    3. Discussion of surgical options: Dr. Cocco will explain different techniques for nose bridge surgery, such as osteotomies (bone cuts) or grafting materials to straighten or augment the nasal dorsum. She will also discuss potential risks and complications associated with the procedure.

    What Are Some Common Concerns Addressed with Nose Bridge Surgery?

    In nose bridge surgery, there are several areas of concern that can be addressed. It can address concerns such as a pinched nose, saddle nose deformity, or a crooked nose bridge that looks tilted. These concerns may involve the glabella, radix, dorsal bridge, or dorsal base of the nose. Each of these variations in the structure of the nose bridge can impact a person’s facial appearance and may be a source of dissatisfaction. Nasal Bridge Rhinoplasty offers a solution to enhance the aesthetic harmony and balance of the face by addressing these specific concerns.

    High Nasal Bridge

    A high nasal bridge refers to an elevated and prominent area on the upper part of the nose. It can be a result of genetics, trauma, or previous nose reshaping surgery. People with a high nasal bridge may desire to undergo nose bridge surgery. This procedure aims to modify the height and shape of the nasal bridge to achieve a more balanced and proportionate appearance.

    Low / Flat Nasal Bridge

    The appearance of a low or flat nasal bridge can be addressed through rhinoplasty procedures performed by an experienced plastic surgeon. For people with a low nasal bridge, the goal is to elevate and straighten the bridge to create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing profile.

    During the procedure, the Dr. Cocco will carefully reshape the cartilage and bone of the nose to achieve the desired result. This may involve adding grafts or implants to augment the height of the nasal bridge. She will take into consideration factors such as facial proportions and individual preferences when planning for surgery.

    Relevant Nose Anatomy for Dorsal Bridge Surgery

    Crooked Nose Bridge

    Crooked nose bridge can be addressed through rhinoplasty procedures performed by Dr. Cocco at Cocco Clinique MD in Dallas, TX. Rhinoplasty aims to alter the size or shape of the nasal bridge. The nasal bridge refers to the upper part of the nose, which includes the bone and cartilage structure. A crooked nose bridge can result from various factors such as trauma, genetics, or previous surgeries. During the rhinoplasty, Dr. Cocco will carefully reshape and reposition the nasal bones and cartilage to correct any deviations or asymmetries in order to straighten the nose. This procedure can also address other concerns such as a nasal hump or wide nasal bridge if necessary.

    Narrow Nose Bridge

    People with a narrow nasal bridge may seek rhinoplasty procedures to address this concern and achieve a more balanced facial appearance. This involves making incisions either inside the nostrils or across the columella to access the underlying structures of the nose. Dr. Cocco can then remove any excess cartilage or bone, and adjust the shape of the dorsal nose hump if necessary. By addressing a narrow nose bridge through rhinoplasty, patients can achieve a more aesthetically appealing nasal profile and improve their overall self-confidence. It is important for those considering this procedure to consult with Dr. Cocco to ensure optimal results and minimize risks.

    Nose Bridge Bump / Hump Removal

    Addressing the concern of a nose bridge bump or hump typically involves surgical techniques such as osteotomies or cartilage grafts to achieve a more aesthetically pleasing nasal appearance. The nose hump consists of bone and cartilage that are unevenly clustered in one spot on the nose bridge. During this bridge nose job, Dr. Cocco may use osteotomies to reshape and reposition the nasal bones, or cartilage grafts to augment or reduce the height of the nasal bridge. The goal is to create a smooth and straight profile without any noticeable bumps or humps. By addressing the nose bumps, patients can achieve their desired aesthetic outcome and improve their self-confidence.

    Wide and Narrow Nose Correction

    Broad Nasal Bridge

    Broad nasal bridge is a common concern among people seeking rhinoplasty procedures to achieve facial harmony and improve their self-confidence. To better understand this concern, let’s explore the following four key points:


    1. Wide bridge: A broad nose bridge refers to the width of the upper part of the nose, which can create an imbalance in facial proportions and affect overall aesthetics.
    2. Nose shape: The appearance of the nose is influenced by various factors, including the width of the bridge. Reducing the width with bridge rhinoplasty can help create a more balanced and aesthetically pleasing nose shape.
    3. Bridge concerns addressed with nose surgery: Rhinoplasty can address broad nasal bridges by reshaping and refining the bones and cartilage in this area, resulting in a narrower and more proportionate appearance.
    4. Broad nose bridge correction: Surgeons use different techniques such as osteotomies (controlled fractures) or cartilage grafts to refine and narrow the nasal bridge, achieving desired results for patients concerned about a wide nose bridge.

    How is Nose Bridge Surgery Different from Rhinoplasty?

    The distinction between nose bridge surgery and rhinoplasty (also known as nose job surgery) lies in the specific area of focus within the broader scope of nasal reshaping procedures. Nose bridge surgery specifically targets the nasal dorsum, which is the upper part of the nose that includes the bridge. Rhinoplasty, on the other hand, encompasses a wider range of procedures aimed at reshaping and improving the overall appearance of the nose. While both procedures can address aesthetic concerns related to the bridge of the nose, such as humps or depressions, rhinoplasty can also address other aspects such as nasal tip refinement (Nasal Tip Plasty) or nostril size. Therefore, nose bridge surgery can be considered a subset or type of rhinoplasty that focuses solely on correcting issues related to the bridge of the nose.

    What to Expect After Setting a Surgery Date

    Details of the surgical process, such as pre/post surgery instructions, informed consent, surgery center requirements and financial obligations will be fully discussed days to weeks before surgery. As a patient, we want you to feel positive about your upcoming surgery, including being comfortable with your surgeon and confident of your decision to move forward.

    Rest assured, the aftercare will be personally directed by Dr. Cocco. There will be a series of postoperative appointments scheduled for the following year and it is important that you follow all instructions for optimal healing. The nose is one of the few areas in the human body that can take months to fully heal. Even though the results will be immediately appreciated, it takes time for all swelling to subside and the process of scaring to fully mature. We are happy to walk you through the process and look forward to seeing the final results as much as you do!

    What to Expect After Nose Bridge Surgery

    After nose bridge surgery, patients can expect a period of recovery during which they may experience discomfort, swelling and bruising. It is important for patients to understand that these symptoms are normal and temporary. Swelling can be expected to last for several weeks, with the majority of it subsiding within the first two weeks. The bruising typically resolves within 10 to 14 days. Discomfort can vary from mild to moderate and can be managed with prescribed pain medications.

    Patients should avoid any activities that could potentially cause trauma to the nose during this time. It is also recommended that patients elevate their head while sleeping and avoid blowing their nose forcefully. Following post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Cocco is crucial for optimal healing after nose bridge surgery in Dallas, TX.

    Additional Information on Nasal Bridge Surgery

    Our Nose Bridge Surgery in Dallas, TX follows a similar treatment approach as traditional rhinoplasty procedures. Before undergoing the surgery, patients are usually advised to avoid certain medications that can potentially increase bleeding during the procedure. As mentioned earlier, the recovery process for nose bridge surgery involves a temporary period of swelling and possible bruising around the nasal area. Patients are recommended to keep their head elevated and avoid engaging in strenuous activities for several weeks after the surgery.

    It is important for patients to have a consultation with Dr. Cocco, who can thoroughly explain the associated risks and provide appropriate guidance throughout the entire process of nose bridge surgery in Dallas, TX. If you would like to obtain more detailed information about this procedure or related topics, we invite you to visit our dedicated Rhinoplasty page.

    Nose Bridge Surgery FAQs

    (Frequently Asked Questions)

    What Is the Recovery Time for Nose Bridge Surgery?

    The recovery time for nose bridge surgery varies depending on individual factors and the specific procedures performed. It is recommended to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon for accurate information regarding recovery expectations.

    Can Nose Bridge Surgery Correct a Deviated Septum?

    Nose bridge surgery aims to correct the appearance or structure of the nasal bridge. However, it is important to note that its effectiveness in correcting a deviated septum may vary depending on the individual case.

    Are There Any Non-Surgical Alternatives to Nose Bridge Surgery?

    If you’re looking for a non-surgical alternative to nose bridge surgery, you might consider the option of liquid rhinoplasty. Liquid Rhinoplasty involves the use of injectable fillers, typically made of hyaluronic acid, to shape and contour the nose without the need for surgery. The filler is strategically placed in certain areas of the nose to enhance the bridge and create symmetry. While the results are temporary, lasting several months to a year, liquid rhinoplasty provides a less invasive and less costly option compared to surgery. It is important to consult with a qualified and experienced medical professional to determine if this non-surgical alternative is suitable for your specific needs and expectations.

    How Long Do the Results of Nose Bridge Surgery Typically Last?

    The longevity of the results from nose bridge surgery can vary from person to person. Typically, the results of this type of surgery can last anywhere from several years to a lifetime. However, it is important to note that the exact duration of the results can be influenced by factors such as the individual’s age, genetics, and lifestyle choices. It is also crucial to follow the post-operative care instructions provided by Dr. Cocco to ensure the best possible outcome and long-lasting results. Regular check-ups with the surgeon can help monitor the longevity of the nose bridge surgery results.

    Are There Any Age Restrictions for Nose Bridge Surgery?

    There are no specific age restrictions for nose bridge surgery, as the suitability of the procedure depends on an individual’s physical and emotional maturity. However, it is important for patients to have realistic expectations and understand the potential impact on facial growth. Generally, nose bridge surgery is considered when the nasal bones have reached their full growth, which typically occurs around the age of 15 for girls and 17 for boys. This ensures that the surgery will not interfere with the natural development of the face. Additionally, candidates for the procedure should be emotionally mature enough to fully comprehend and communicate their desired outcomes and motivations behind undergoing nasal dorsum surgery. 

    Can Nose Bridge Surgery Straighten a Crooked Nose?

    Yes, nose bridge rhinoplasty can help straighten a crooked nose. This plastic surgery procedure involves carefully reshaping and adjusting the nasal bridge, correcting any asymmetry or irregularities that may be causing the nose to appear crooked.

    Can Nose Bridge Surgery be Combined with Other Procedures?

    Yes, nose bridge surgery can be combined with other procedures such as tip rhinoplasty or septoplasty to achieve a more comprehensive improvement in the overall appearance and function of the nose.

    Can nose bridge surgery make the nose look pinched?

    Yes, nose bridge surgery can make the nose appear more pinched by reshaping and refining the bridge.

    How does a high nose bridge affect the overall appearance of the nose?

    A nose with a high bridge can create a more defined and aesthetically pleasing look. It can enhance the overall symmetry and proportion of the face.

    What is the procedure for nose bridge surgery?

    The procedure for nose bridge surgery typically involves making precise fractures in the nose bridge to remove excess bone or reshape the nasal bridge. The surgeon will use various surgical techniques and may also perform additional procedures depending on the individual case.

    Schedule Your Nose Bridge Surgery Consultation in Dallas, TX

    If you are considering getting nose bridge surgery in Dallas, TX, to enhance your facial appearance, particularly improving the shape or height of your nose bridge, we highly recommend scheduling a consultation with Dr. Jennyfer F. Cocco at Cocco Clinique MD in Dallas, TX. With her expertise and personalized approach, she can help you achieve your desired results by carefully enhancing and sculpting the nose bridge to create facial harmony.

    By utilizing advanced techniques in plastic and reconstructive surgery, Dr. Cocco ensures exceptional care and patient satisfaction. Take the first step towards improving your overall facial appearance by contacting Dr. Cocco’s clinic today. Contact our office to learn more about the procedure and find out if nasal bridge cosmetic surgery is the right choice for you.

    Dr Jennyfer F. Cocco, MD - Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX

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