Breast Reduction in Dallas, TX


A Breast reduction is a highly sought-after surgery with Jennyfer F. Cocco, MD in Dallas, TX, due to its ability to address various concerns such as alleviating chronic pain, improving aesthetics, and enhancing overall well-being. Also referred to as reduction mammoplasty, this procedure offers individuals the opportunity to reduce the size and weight of overly large breasts, resulting in increased physical comfort, a more balanced body shape, enhanced self-esteem, and an improved quality of life.

What is a Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction, also known as reduction mammoplasty, is a surgical procedure performed to decrease the size and reshape the breasts. The surgery involves removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing breast appearance. This procedure is typically performed under general anesthesia and may require several incisions depending on the desired outcome and individual patient characteristics.


How is it performed?

The surgery involves removing excess breast tissue, fat, and skin to achieve the desired outcome. This can be done through different methods depending on the patient’s specific needs and preferences.

One common technique used is called the anchor incision method, where an incision is made around the areola (the dark area surrounding the nipple), vertically down from the areola to the fold under the breast, and horizontally along the natural crease of the breast. Through these incisions, Dr. Cocco carefully removes excess tissue and repositions the nipple-areolar complex to create a more balanced appearance.

Another approach is known as liposuction-assisted breast reduction, which involves using liposuction to remove excess fat from the breasts. This technique may be suitable for patients with no sagging breasts and have a higher proportion of fatty tissue.

Regardless of which technique is used, Dr. Cocco‘s expertise as a board-certified Dallas plastic surgeon ensures that each procedure is tailored to meet individual patient goals while prioritizing safety and achieving optimal results.

Starting Price of a Breast Reduction in Dallas, TX

Breast Reduction in Dallas, TX

How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost in Dallas, TX

One can expect the cost of a breast reduction procedure in the Dallas, TX area to be quite substantial, reflecting the comprehensive nature of the surgery and the expertise required from a highly skilled plastic surgeon. The Breast Reduction surgery starts at $7,300, but final cost varies depending on several factors including facility fees, anesthesia fees, pre-operative tests, post-operative care.

While cost may be an important consideration for patients seeking breast reduction surgery, it should not be prioritized over safety or quality outcomes. It is crucial to choose a board-certified plastic surgeon in Dallas / Fort Worth who specializes in breast reduction procedures to ensure optimal results and minimize potential risks.

Can it be Covered by Health Insurance?

Health insurance coverage for the cost of a breast reduction procedure can vary depending on individual insurance plans and their specific coverage policies. However, it is important to note that breast reductions are generally considered cosmetic procedures by insurance companies rather than medically necessary in cases where not enough breast tissue is removed. Cosmetic procedures are usually not covered by insurance. In Dallas, TX, patients seeking a breast reduction may be curious about whether their health insurance will cover the expenses associated with this surgery. It is advisable for patients to review their insurance contracts for requirements to be met. Also call each provider listed to consult whether they accept insurance and are available to provide this service.

Each doctor has their own guidelines and preferences when it comes to working with insurance companies, so it’s always best to check beforehand. Additionally, patients should be aware that even if a doctor does accept insurance, there may be limitations or partial coverage offered by certain health insurance plans.


Payment plans and Financing options

We offer advanced payment plans for this procedure and the terms depend on the overall cost of proposed surgery. All procedures must be fully paid off 10 business days before your scheduled surgery date. While we do not offer in-house financing, we recommend two third-party options for your convenience: Alphaeon and CareCredit. Both have easy-to-follow online applications, which you can access through the links provided below.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

    Please call our Dallas office at (972) 200-1718 during office hours, or use the form below to contact us. After receiving your email, we will promptly get in touch with you to answer any questions you may have and assist you in scheduling your appointment with Dr. Cocco.

    The information you choose to share with us is always kept confidential. Consultation fee is non-refundable, and is applied towards your procedure. Cancellation fees apply if you fail to attend your appointment or cancel with less than 24 hours notice.


    Who Is A Good Candidate For A Breast Reduction?

    Potential candidates for this surgical procedure are women who experience physical discomfort or pain due to the size of their breasts and are seeking relief from these symptoms. A breast reduction can alleviate these issues and improve quality of life. During a consultation with Dr.Cocco, factors such as overall health, breast size and shape, skin elasticity, and personal goals will be evaluated to determine if the patient is a good candidate for the procedure. Here are six reasons why someone may be considered a good candidate for a breast reduction:

    • Large breasts can cause chronic shoulder, neck and back pain.
    • Difficulty participating in physical activities or exercise due to breast size.
    • Uncomfortable or persistent bra strap indentations (grooves) on the shoulders or back due to excessive breast weight.
    • Skin irritation or rashes underneath the breasts.
    • Self-consciousness or dissatisfaction with appearance due to disproportionately large breasts.
    • Desire for smaller breasts that better complement body proportions.

    By meeting these criteria, people can take an important step towards achieving physical comfort and improved self-confidence through breast reduction surgery.

    What Are The Benefits Of A Breast Reduction?

    The advantages of undergoing a breast reduction procedure include improved physical comfort, enhanced body proportionality, and a potential reduction in back and neck pain. Breast reduction surgery aims to decrease the size of the breasts by removing excess tissue, fat, and skin. Women with disproportionately larger breasts often experience discomfort and pain due to the weight of their breasts. By reducing the breast size, this procedure can alleviate these symptoms and improve overall physical comfort. Additionally, breast reduction can enhance body proportionality by creating a more balanced silhouette.

    For many women, a breast reduction surgery can also increase their self-confidence and satisfaction with their appearance. To determine if breast reduction is suitable for you, it is recommended to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cocco. She can provide personalized advice on the benefits of breast reduction surgery based on your specific needs and goals.

    Breast Reduction Before and After Photos

    51-year-old mother of two with BMI of 32 is shown before and after breast reductionlift. This procedure relieved her neck pain and chronic rashes under her breasts from constant moisture. Patient desired a significant reduction in size.

    This 39-year-old mother of two with BMI of 38 is shown before and after breast reduction/lift. This procedure relieved her chronic upper back & neck pain and helped reduce pressure from her bra straps at her shoulders. Patient desired much smaller breasts with perkier nipples.

    This 49-year-old mother of three with BMI of 34 is shown before and after breast reduction/lift. This procedure removed excess breast tissue and relieved her chronic upper back & neck pain. It also helped her be more symmetric in size and helped reduce pressure from her bra straps at her shoulders.

    What To Expect During Your Consultation

    During a consultation for breast reduction, patients can anticipate an informative and comprehensive evaluation of their individual circumstances, facilitated by Dr. Cocco. The consultation process is designed to ensure that the patient’s specific needs and goals are understood, and that all questions and concerns are addressed.

    Here are five key aspects of what to expect during a breast reduction consultation:

    • Detailed discussion: Dr. Cocco’s team will obtain the patient’s medical history, current health status, and any previous surgeries or treatments. This information helps her determine the suitability of the patient for the procedure.
    • Physical examination: Dr. Cocco will perform a thorough physical examination to assess breast size, shape, nipple-areola position, skin quality, and overall breast health.
    • Individualized treatment plan: Based on the patient’s desires and unique anatomical features, Dr. Cocco will create a personalized treatment plan that outlines surgical techniques, expected outcomes, potential risks or complications.
    • Education about the procedure: Patients will receive detailed explanations about the breast reduction procedure itself, including incision options, anesthesia choices, and recovery expectations.
    • Patient questions and concerns: Dr. Cocco encourages patients to ask questions and express any concerns they may have regarding their breast reduction surgery. She aims to provide clear answers so that patients feel well-informed before making any decisions.

    Overall, during a consultation with Dr. Cocco, patients can expect compassionate care delivered by an experienced surgeon who prioritizes patient satisfaction and safety throughout every step of the process.

    Breast Reduction in Dallas, TX - Woman with Large Breasts

    Breast Reduction Recovery Time And Recommendations

    The recovery period after undergoing a breast reduction procedure is crucial for patients to allow their bodies to heal and achieve the desired results. The average breast reduction recovery time varies from patient to patient but typically lasts around 2-6 weeks. During this time, it is important for patients to follow post-operative instructions provided by Dr. Cocco and her team. Patients may experience temporary discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which can be managed with prescribed pain medication and compression garments.

    It is recommended that patients avoid strenuous activities for the first few weeks and gradually resume normal activities as advised by Dr. Cocco. It’s important to note that scarring is an inevitable part of breast reduction surgery, but Dr. Cocco takes great care in minimizing visible scars through meticulous incision placement techniques.

    What To Expect After Surgery?

    Following surgery, patients can anticipate a period of recovery that involves post-operative care and adherence to specific guidelines provided by us. The recovery period after breast reduction surgery is crucial for optimal healing and achieving desired results. Patients may experience temporary discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated area. It is important for patients to follow our instructions regarding pain management, wound care, and activity restrictions during this time.

    We will schedule follow-up appointments to monitor the progress of healing and address any concerns that may arise. It is essential for patients to communicate openly with Dr. Cocco during their recovery period to ensure a successful outcome from their breast reduction procedure.

    Breast Reduction Scars

    Scarring is a common outcome of any type of breast surgery and can vary depending on individual factors such as skin type, incision technique, and healing ability. The location and length of the incisions may vary based on individual needs but commonly include around the areola, vertically from the areola to the breast crease, and horizontally along the breast crease. With proper wound care and adherence to post-operative instructions, these scars typically fade over time but will always be present to some extent. It is important for patients considering breast reduction surgery to have realistic expectations regarding potential scarring outcomes.

    Breast Reduction Risks

    One important aspect to consider when contemplating a breast reduction procedure is the potential for complications and adverse effects. While breast reduction surgery can provide numerous benefits, it is essential to be aware of the associated risks. The most common risks include delayed healing, minor infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, and asymmetry. Additionally, there is a possibility of complications related to anesthesia such as allergic reactions or respiratory issues.

    It is crucial to choose a highly skilled and experienced surgeon who specializes in breast reduction in Dallas, TX to minimize these risks. Understanding these potential risks allows patients to make informed decisions about their desired outcome while ensuring their safety and well-being throughout the process.

    Breast Reduction vs Breast Lift

    Breast lift and reduction are two different surgical procedures aimed at improving the appearance and function of the breasts. A breast reduction is performed to reduce the amount of breast tissue and skin in order to reduce the size and weight of the breasts. This procedure is often done to alleviate physical discomfort caused by large breasts, such as back and shoulder pain.

    On the other hand, a breast lift (or mastopexy), is done to lift and reshape sagging breasts. It involves removing excess skin and rearranging breast tissue to create a more youthful and firm breast appearance. While both procedures can result in a more proportionate and aesthetically pleasing breast shape, they address different concerns. It is important to consult with Dr. Cocco to determine which procedure is best suited for each individual’s specific needs and goals.

    Breast Reduction For Men (Gynecomastia)

    Dr. Cocco can also perform Breast Reduction surgery on men who experience Gynecomastia . This is a condition characterized by the enlargement of male breast tissue. Men who undergo Gynecomastia surgery, aimed at reducing excess breast tissue in males, report a high level of satisfaction with the results, as indicated by 92% of patients in a recent study. Gynecomastia, commonly known as male breast enlargement, can cause physical and psychological distress for men. Breast reduction surgery for men offers an effective solution to this condition.

    During the procedure, excess glandular tissue is removed through small incisions, and liposuction may be utilized to eliminate any additional fat deposits in the chest area. This surgical intervention results in a flatter and more masculine chest contour. Recovery time varies depending on individual circumstances but generally involves minimal discomfort and downtime.

    Breast Reduction FAQs

    (Frequently Asked Questions)

    How long is the recovery time after a breast reduction surgery?

    The recovery time after a breast reduction surgery varies depending on the individual, but it typically takes several weeks to fully heal. Rest and limited physical activity are necessary during this period to ensure proper healing and minimize complications. The first couple of weeks are the most crucial and all instructions should be followed to optimize results.

    Are there any risks or complications associated with breast reduction surgery?

    Risks and complications associated with breast reduction surgery include delayed wound healing, infection, bleeding, scarring, changes in nipple sensation, asymmetry, and difficulty breastfeeding. It is important to discuss these potential risks with a board-certified plastic surgeon before undergoing the procedure.

    How soon can I return to work after breast reduction surgery?

    The recovery time after breast reduction surgery varies from person to person. Generally, it is recommended to take at least one to two weeks off work to allow your body to heal properly. It is important to follow your doctor’s instructions and not rush back to work too soon, as your body needs time to rest and recover.

    Strenuous physical activity should be avoided for at least six weeks after surgery, as this interferes with the healing process. It is also important to consider the type of work you do. If your job involves heavy lifting or strenuous activity, you may need more time off work to fully recover. It is best to consult with your surgeon regarding when it is safe to return to work, as they will have a better understanding of your individual circumstances and recovery progress.

    Is it true that Insurance companies require a certain breast tissue weight to be removed?

    Yes, most Insurance companies use the SCHNUR sliding scale chart to assess breast tissue weight depending on each patient’s body surface area. If resected weight does not meet criteria, they will not consider the breast reduction surgery as medically necessary.

    Can men undergo breast reduction surgery for Gynecomastia?

    Yes, men can undergo breast reduction surgery for gynecomastia at Cocco Clinique MD. Gynecomastia is a condition characterized by the enlargement of breast tissue in males, which can be caused by a hormonal imbalance, certain medications, or underlying medical conditions. It can cause discomfort and self-consciousness in men, affecting their self-esteem and quality of life. At Cocco Clinique MD, we offer breast reduction surgery specifically tailored to help men with gynecomastia. Dr. Cocco performs the procedure to remove excess breast tissue and sculpt a more masculine-looking chest.

    How Long Do The Results Of This Surgery Last?

    The longevity of the results varies from person to person and depends on various factors. Generally, the outcome of a breast reduction procedure is considered permanent as long as there are no further pregnancies or changes in body weight. However, it is important to note that natural aging processes and significant weight fluctuations can affect the appearance of breasts over time.

    To ensure long-lasting results, it is crucial to follow all post-operative instructions provided by Dr.Cocco. These instructions may include wearing a supportive bra, avoiding strenuous activities for a certain period, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, regular check-ups are recommended to monitor any changes or potential issues.

    When can I resume Mammograms after breast reduction surgery?

    We generally recommend waiting 6 months before obtaining a mammogram, which will then be considered the new baseline for yearly exams.

    Schedule your Breast Reduction in Dallas, TX Today!

    If you are considering a Breast Reduction surgery in Dallas, TX, we strongly encourage you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Jennyfer F. Cocco at Cocco Clinique MD. With her extensive experience and board certification in plastic surgery, Dr. Cocco provides personalized care and tailored solutions for patients seeking breast reduction. By utilizing the latest techniques in plastic and reconstructive surgery, she ensures optimal results and patient satisfaction. Take the first step towards improving the shape of your breasts and alleviating physical discomfort by contacting Dr. Cocco’s clinic today to learn more about this procedure and find out if it is right for you.

    Dr Jennyfer F. Cocco, MD - Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX

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