Lower Facelift in Dallas, TX | Jowl Lift


Are you looking for a transformative solution to combat the signs of aging? Look no further than a lower facelift in Dallas, TX. As we age, sagging skin and jowls can dramatically impact our appearance, making us look older than we feel. Thankfully, Dr. Jennyfer F. Cocco MD is here to help. With years of experience and expertise, Dr. Cocco can perform a lower facelift that will tighten and lift the skin on your lower face, reducing the appearance of jowls and deep wrinkles. Trust Dr. Cocco to restore your natural beauty and give you the confidence you deserve.

What is a Lower Facelift?

A lower facelift is a cosmetic procedure performed to address signs of aging in the lower part of the face. This procedure focuses on the jawline, neck, and chin to tighten and rejuvenate the appearance of the lower face. As we age, the skin loses elasticity and starts to sag, resulting in jowls and a double chin. A lower facelift can effectively tighten the skin and underlying muscles, improving the overall contour of the face and restoring a more youthful appearance. This procedure is often combined with other facial plastic surgery techniques, such as a neck lift or eyelid surgery, to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. If you are bothered by sagging skin, wrinkles, or a lack of definition in your lower face, a lower facelift may be a suitable option to consider.


How is a Lower Facelift Performed?

To perform a lower facelift, Dr. Cocco utilizes various surgical techniques to address signs of aging in the lower part of the face. She begins by making discreet incisions around the ears and sometimes under the chin. Through these incisions, excess skin and fat are carefully removed, and the underlying muscles and tissues are tightened. The remaining skin is then re-draped and sutured into place, resulting in a smoother, more youthful contour. The entire procedure is performed under anesthesia to ensure the patient’s comfort. 

Lower Facelift in Dallas, TX - Jowl Lift

How Much Does a Lower Facelift Cost in Dallas, TX?

The cost of a lower facelift in Dallas, TX can vary depending on various factors. To obtain an accurate cost estimate for your personalized procedure, it is essential to schedule a consultation with Dr. Cocco, an experienced plastic surgeon. During the consultation, Dr. Cocco will carefully evaluate your facial structure and assess the condition of your skin. This comprehensive assessment will allow her to determine the most suitable approach for your lower facelift, taking into consideration your unique needs and goals. Following the evaluation, Dr. Cocco will create a personalized treatment plan tailored specifically to you.


Can a Lower Facelift be Covered by Insurance?

Insurance coverage for a lower facelift is unlikely due to it being considered a cosmetic enhancement rather than a medically necessary procedure. While the benefits of this procedure can have a significant impact on a person’s self-esteem and confidence, it is generally not deemed medically necessary by insurance companies. Therefore, patients considering a lower facelift in Dallas, TX should be aware that they will likely be responsible for the full cost of the procedure.


Payment plans and Financing options

We offer advanced payment plans for this procedure and the terms depend on the overall cost of proposed surgery. All procedures must be fully paid off 10 business days before your scheduled surgery date. While we do not offer in-house financing, we recommend two third-party options for your convenience: Alphaeon and CareCredit. Both have easy-to-follow online applications, which you can access through the links provided below.

Schedule Your Consultation Today!

    Please call our Dallas office at (972) 200-1718 during office hours, or use the form below to contact us. After receiving your email, we will promptly get in touch with you to answer any questions you may have and assist you in scheduling your appointment with Dr. Cocco.

    The information you choose to share with us is always kept confidential. Consultation fee is non-refundable, and is applied towards your procedure. Cancellation fees apply if you fail to attend your appointment or cancel with less than 24 hours notice.


    Who is a Good Candidate for Lower Facelift Surgery?

    To determine if you are a suitable candidate for lower facelift surgery, it is important to consult with a qualified plastic surgeon, such as Dr. Jennyfer F. Cocco, MD who can assess your individual needs and goals. Here are some factors that may indicate you are a good candidate for this procedure:

    • Age: Lower facelift surgery is typically recommended for individuals in their 40s to 60s who are experiencing signs of aging in the lower face and neck.
    • Skin elasticity: Good skin elasticity can provide better results from the surgery.
    • Concerns: If you have sagging jowls, deep creases, or excess skin in the lower face and neck, a lower facelift can address these concerns.
    • Realistic expectations: It is important to have realistic expectations about the outcome of the surgery and understand the limitations.
    • Recovery time: Candidates should be willing to commit to the necessary recovery time for optimal healing and results.


    What to Expect During Your Lower Facelift Consultation

    During your lower facelift consultation, you will initially meet with a medical assistant who will review the paperwork you fill out containing a full medical history. This is important information that will be used to determine whether you are a good operative candidate. Next, Dr. Cocco will evaluate your individual concerns and discuss the potential benefits and expected results of the procedure. This initial meeting is an important step in your journey towards achieving a more youthful appearance. She will carefully assess the deep tissues of your face, paying close attention to areas such as the jowls, jawline, and neck. Dr. Cocco will listen attentively to your goals and desires, taking into consideration your unique facial anatomy.

    The best approach to achieve optimal results may involve a combination of techniques, such as addressing sagging skin, tightening underlying muscles, and removing excess fat. Rest assured, Dr. Cocco will guide you through the process, answering any questions you may have, and ensuring that you are well-informed and comfortable before moving forward with the procedure.

    What are the Benefits of a Lower Facelift?

    The lower facelift procedure offers several advantages for people seeking facial rejuvenation. As we age, the skin on our face tends to sag, leading to the formation of jowls and a less defined jawline. These signs of aging can make us feel self-conscious and affect our overall confidence. A lower facelift can address these concerns by tightening the facial muscles and removing excess skin, resulting in a more youthful and natural appearance. This procedure can also improve the appearance of deep creases and wrinkles around the mouth, creating a smoother and more refreshed look. By choosing to undergo a lower facelift, individuals can regain their self-esteem and feel more confident in their own skin.


    Lower Facelift vs Other Types of Facelift Procedures

    When considering a facelift procedure, it is important to understand the different options available and how they compare to one another. The lower facelift is a popular choice among individuals seeking to address sagging skin and wrinkles in the lower third of the face.

    Compared to the traditional Facelift, the lower facelift specifically targets the jowls, jawline, and neck area, providing a more targeted and precise rejuvenation. In contrast, the traditional facelift addresses the entire face, including the midface and forehead regions. Therefore, the lower facelift may be a more suitable option for those primarily concerned with aging in the lower face.

    Another alternative to the lower facelift is the Midface Lift, which focuses on lifting and tightening the cheeks and under-eye area. While the midface lift may address some of the concerns of the lower facelift, it does not target the jowls or neck region to the same extent. Therefore, it is essential to carefully consider individual concerns and desired outcomes when comparing the lower facelift to the midface lift.

    Lastly, the lower facelift can also be compared to a Mini Facelift. A mini facelift is a less invasive version of the traditional facelift that requires smaller incisions and has a shorter recovery time. While it may provide some improvements in the lower face, the results may not be as dramatic or long-lasting as those achieved with a lower facelift. Therefore, it is crucial to evaluate the level of correction desired before deciding between a lower facelift and a mini facelift.

    Facelift in Dallas, TX - Rhytidectomy | Facial Rejuvenation Surgery

    Differences and Similarities Between Lower Facelift and Neck Lift Surgery

    There are distinct differences and similarities between Lower Facelift and Neck Lift surgery. While both procedures aim to enhance the appearance of the lower face and neck, they target different areas and have different techniques.

    A lower facelift primarily focuses on the lower half of the face, including the jawline, jowls, and cheeks. It helps to tighten sagging skin and reduce the appearance of wrinkles, resulting in a more youthful and defined facial contour. In contrast, a neck lift specifically addresses the neck area, improving the appearance of loose skin, excess fat deposits, and muscle banding.

    Despite their differences, there are also similarities between the two procedures. Both lower facelift and neck lift surgery are typically performed under general anesthesia, and they often complement each other when combined in a comprehensive facial rejuvenation treatment. Additionally, both procedures require an experienced and skilled plastic surgeon to achieve optimal results.


    Combining Lower Facelift with Other Procedures

    Combining a lower facelift with other procedures is a common practice to achieve comprehensive facial rejuvenation. By combining multiple procedures, patients can address multiple concerns and achieve optimal results. Some of the procedures that can be combined with a lower facelift include:

    • Blepharoplasty: Also known as eyelid surgery, blepharoplasty can address sagging or drooping eyelids, remove excess skin or fat, and rejuvenate the appearance of the eyes. It is commonly combined with a lower facelift to achieve overall facial harmony and a more refreshed look.
    • Rhinoplasty: This procedure, commonly referred to as a nose job, can reshape and enhance the appearance of the nose. When combined with a lower facelift, rhinoplasty can help achieve a better balance between the facial features and improve overall facial aesthetics.
    • Neck lift: Often performed in conjunction with a lower facelift, a neck lift can tighten loose skin and remove excess fat in the neck area, enhancing the results of a lower facelift.
    • Fat transfer to the Face: By transferring fat from one area of the body to the face, patients can restore lost volume and achieve a more youthful appearance.

    What to Expect After Setting a Surgery Date

    Details of the surgical process, such as instructions before and after surgery, informed consent, surgery center requirements and financial obligations will be fully discussed 10 days to a few weeks before surgery. Our medical assistant will schedule a preoperative visit where written instructions are given, consent forms signed, and pictures are taken to help Dr. Cocco prepare herself for the procedure. During the preoperative appointment Dr. Cocco will answer all your questions. As a patient, we want you to feel positive about your upcoming surgery, including being comfortable with your surgeon and confident of your decision to move forward.

    Lower Facelift Scars

    During the healing process after a lower facelift, scars typically fade over time. Dr. Cocco understands the importance of achieving natural-looking results, which includes minimizing the appearance of scars. She takes great care in the design and placement of incisions to ensure the best possible outcome for our patients.

    The most common incision patterns for a lower facelift are S-Lift scars located along the hairline in front and behind the ears. These locations are chosen because they blend well with the natural creases and contours of the face, making the scars less noticeable. Dr. Cocco also utilizes advanced techniques, such as the SMAS lift, to lift and tighten the deeper tissues of the face, which helps to create a more youthful and rejuvenated appearance. With a SMAS lift, Dr. Cocco may also make an incision under the chin. By carefully placing incisions and targeting deeper tissue, surgeons can achieve excellent results while minimizing visible scarring and ensuring a natural-looking outcome.

    Additional Information

    To ensure a smooth and successful midface lift surgery, it is essential for patients to carefully follow the pre-operative instructions provided by Dr. Cocco. Proper preparation is key to minimizing risks and maximizing the outcome of the surgery. Here are some important things to keep in mind when preparing for a midface lift:

    • Consultation: Schedule a consultation with Dr. Cocco to discuss your goals, medical history, and any concerns you may have.
    • Medical Evaluation: Dr. Cocco will perform a thorough medical evaluation to ensure you are in good health and a suitable candidate for the procedure.
    • Medication and Supplements: Follow Dr. Cocco’s instructions regarding the use of medications and supplements before surgery.
    • Smoking: Quit smoking at least two weeks before surgery, as smoking can impair healing and increase the risk of complications.

    After the surgery, it is normal to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort. Dr. Cocco will provide instructions on pain management, wound care, and activity restrictions during the recovery period. It is important to follow these instructions closely to ensure proper healing and minimize risks. Keep in mind that the recovery process may vary for each individual, so it’s important to have realistic expectations and be patient with the healing process.

    While midface lift surgery is generally safe, like any surgical procedure, it carries some risks. These may include infection, bleeding, scarring, and adverse reactions to anesthesia. Dr. Cocco will discuss these risks with you during the consultation and provide you with detailed information to make an informed decision.

    Lower Facelift FAQs

    (Frequently Asked Questions)

    Is There a Recommended Age Range for Undergoing a Lower Facelift?

    There is no specific age range recommended for undergoing a lower facelift as it depends on individual factors such as skin elasticity and overall health. It is important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine the best timing for the procedure.

    How Long Does It Typically Take to Recover From a Lower Facelift Surgery?

    Recovery time after a lower facelift surgery varies depending on individual factors such as health, age, and extent of the procedure. Typically, it can take anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks for initial healing, with a gradual return to normal activities over several weeks.

    Are There Any Non-Surgical Alternatives to a Lower Facelift?

    Yes, there are non-surgical alternatives to a lower facelift. These options include dermal fillers, laser treatments, and radiofrequency therapy. These procedures can help improve the appearance of sagging skin and wrinkles without the need for surgery.

    Can a Lower Facelift Address Sagging Jowls and a Double Chin at the Same Time?

    A lower facelift can effectively address sagging jowls and a double chin simultaneously. By tightening the underlying muscles and removing excess skin and fat, this surgical procedure can enhance the contours of the lower face and jawline.

    Schedule your Lower Facelift in Dallas, TX Today!

    To schedule your lower facelift in Dallas, TX, contact our office today by calling during office hours of filling out the contact form. We understand the desire to enhance your appearance and boost your confidence. We are dedicated to providing exceptional care and achieving natural-looking results that exceed your expectations. Dr. Cocco utilizes the latest techniques and state-of-the-art technology to perform lower facelift procedures with precision and skill. With her expertise and meticulous attention to detail, you can trust that you are in capable hands. Don’t wait any longer to achieve the rejuvenated and youthful appearance you desire. Schedule your lower facelift in Dallas, TX today and start your journey towards a more confident you.


    Dr Jennyfer F. Cocco, MD - Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX

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