by Jennyfer F Cocco, MD | Oct 24, 2023 | Blog, Breast Procedures
Tuberous breast deformity may not be a household name, but this congenital disorder disrupts breast development during puberty for many women. Instead of naturally blossoming, the breasts take on a tubular, constricted shape with a narrow base and protruding areolas. The psychological impacts of this anomaly extend beyond the physical.
by Jennyfer F Cocco, MD | Apr 25, 2023 | Blog, Body Procedures, Breast Procedures
Summer is just around the corner, and as we think about getting that perfect summer body, we may find that diet and exercise alone don’t always give us the desired results. That’s where plastic surgery for summer can come in to help achieve the aesthetic we desire. Timing your surgery is crucial to ensure a speedy recovery and maximum results.