Dr Jennyfer F. Cocco, MD - Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX
Does Blepharoplasty Change Eye Shape?

Does Blepharoplasty Change Eye Shape?

Eyelid surgery, known as blepharoplasty, is a cosmetic plastic surgery procedure that removes excess eyelid skin and fat deposits from the upper and lower eyelids. This popular surgical procedure can dramatically improve the youthful appearance of your eyes and eyelids by getting rid of wrinkles, sagging skin, and under eye bags. But does blepharoplasty actually change the natural shape of your eyes?

Plastic Surgery for the Perfect Summer Body – 6 Surgeries to Get NOW

Plastic Surgery for the Perfect Summer Body – 6 Surgeries to Get NOW

Summer is just around the corner, and as we think about getting that perfect summer body, we may find that diet and exercise alone don’t always give us the desired results. That’s where plastic surgery for summer can come in to help achieve the aesthetic we desire. Timing your surgery is crucial to ensure a speedy recovery and maximum results.

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